Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bollywood Actress Hrithik Roshan say no competition in my mind


Hrithik Roshan has started promoting "Agneepath" his next adventure produced by Karan Johar.

The film is a remake of the hit super star Amitabh Bachchan is still very fresh in the minds of the audience.

Hrihtik will revive the character "Vijay Dinanath Chauhan" played by Big B in the original, the comparisons are inevitable.

However, Hrihtik in the film is simply called Vijay and said, "There was no competition in my mind. If there had failed."

Hrithik said he was just a slave to his instincts and liked Karan Malhotra interpretation "of the film and signed. insists that "Agneepath ’is not a remake and a movie is in itself.

There is not much similarity between Mr. Bachchan and his movie characters.

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1 comments: on "Bollywood Actress Hrithik Roshan say no competition in my mind"

Bollywood Celebrity said...

Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan’s television show Just Dance which has been the biggest dance show ever fails to gain expected TRP. Apparently, Just Dance was launched amidst much fanfare and huge expectations.It is heard that the cost of each episode was said to be between Rs 3.5-4 crore.Latest Bollywood News

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